Intactivists are Dicks–and Crybabies too!

Intactivists didn’t get their way and now they’re throwing an epic tantrum that would even make Veruca Salt stop and say, “Wow, you’re a spoiled fucking brat.” Not because they care about Chase, the child in the middle of the battle between his mother, Heather Hironimus, and his father, Dennis Nebus. They are losing their collective shit because they care more about dick skin and attention-seeking than actual, real-life, living, breathing, children.

I’ve written about the loathsome internet creatures called intactivists before here:

Intactivists are a group of melodramatic nutcases that claim to care about children and their human rights. They make anti-vaxxers look like scientific, logical and rational human beings. The Hironimus/Nebus case proves that all they care about is furthering their agenda and garnering attention for the lunatics that lead this fringe movement.

For all who don’t know what is going on in the Heather Hironimus case, here is a quick summary. I really don’t want to get into the rights and wrongs of the case, circumcision or the parents. I do want to make this blog post’s focus the hilarious, histrionic reaction of the vile windbags whom call themselves intactivists.

Heather Hironimus signed a parental agreement when Chase was born, agreeing he be circumcised as an infant. She changed her mind and tried going to the courts, dragging out the process and stalling the procedure. Chase is now 4. The courts upheld the legal document she signed and sided with the father, ordering her to consent to the procedure. Intactivists convinced her to flee with Chase and go into hiding. She took him to a battered women’s shelter and claimed the father abused her. The judge told her to sign the consent form or face jail time. She was arrested, and faced with losing custody as well as a jail sentence. Her lawyer convinced her to sign the papers. Intactivists are now pissed off.

Chase’s father, Dennis Nebus, has refused to publicly discuss the case or the decision to circumcise his son. Much of the information we see on the internet is skewed to the mother’s and intactivists’ favor because of this. The mom was ordered not to discuss the procedure with Chase. She told him his daddy wanted to cut his penis off. He is now terrified of the operation (of course) and the intactivists are waving around “Chase said no! His bodily autonomy is being ignored!” while ignoring the fact he probably wouldn’t be so scared if they didn’t fill his head with their hysteria and nonsense in the first place.

The intactivist leader, who legally goes by the name Brother K (because he fancies himself a civil rights and human rights activist), goes around the country parading his red-paint stained crotch. The following is the extent of his human/civil rights activism.

Looks like you need to switch to a stronger absorbency tampon, Mr. K.

Looks like you need to switch to a stronger absorbency tampon, Mr. K.

Dred Scott is spinning in his grave.

Dred Scott is spinning in his grave.


I can’t. I have no words.

Brother Kook and the rest of his intactivist sycophants latched on to this case and exploited Heather and Chase. They encouraged her to break the law, kidnap Chase, and hide out in a battered woman’s shelter–taking up valuable bed space from someone who is an actual victim of domestic abuse. They also raised money to get Heather an attorney, Thomas Hunker. However, when the attorney acted in his client’s best interests, (what a good attorney is supposed to do) and not in the interests of the intactivists (publicity stunts and attention-seeking), the intactinuts stomped their feet and flailed their arms like the attention-seeking, crybaby, narcissistic children they are.

Her attorney acts on her behalf, not yours

Her attorney acts on her behalf, not yours. Not one needs to confer with you so that she can get custody of her son back.


So it’s a conspiracy, Mr. Kook?

That is her attorney, not yours! For someone who oputs himself on par with civil rights leaders, you sure don't know shit about how the American justice system works.

For someone who puts himself on par with civil rights leaders, you sure don’t know shit about how the American justice system works. That’s HER attorney!


Come at me bro!

Now that's a rational response!

Now that’s a rational response!

Hoping a 4 year old dies and becomes a martyr for your cause. Because you totally care about kids, right?

Hoping a 4 year old dies and becomes a martyr for your cause. Because you totally care about kids, right?

So you would never see your child again if he got circumcised? Do you even care about your child or are you just an idiot?

So you would never see your child again if he got circumcised? Do you even care about your child or are you just an idiot?

So Hairy Hollie, you admit it was never about Chase or his mom and all about your foreskin worship.

So Hairy Hollie, you admit it was never about Chase or his mom, and it was about your foreskin worship all along?

Intactivists proved with the Hironimus/Nebus case that they care more about penises than the people attached to them. This is why intactivism is an extremely flawed movement and intactivists should be ignored, no matter how loud they scream or how red they paint their crotches.


  1. Whoa, what happened to all the comments? Did you delete them in order to better hide yourself from the truth that you mutilated your kid to look like daddy’s (or from what it looks like, his other head)? Seems as if Intactivists aren’t the only crybabies around.

    1. And from what it looks like Ted, you’re thinning on top and you’re fucking ugly. I don’t need to hide anything. Circumcision is not mutilation. It is a legal medical procedure my husband and I chose for our son. You’re just mad because no one will ever procreate with you. Go back to Kentucky you fucking pathetic hipster, and if you message my page again, I will tell the folks at your 4th rate Osteopath school (which is an Orthodox Jewish institution so I bet they will be real pleased by your anti-Semitic views) all about your antics.

      1. And I’m sure they’re just dying to hear the opinion of an unemployed chick who has enough time on her hands to reply to a comment 5 months after the fact.

      2. That makes no sense Ted. If it took me 5 months to reply, doesn’t that mean I’m a pretty busy person with better things to do? I’m a stay at home mom, Ted. Wonder what your orthodox Jewish college would think about your anti-Semitic online intactivism….

    1. All I see is “whine, cry, tattle, cry, whine more, and threaten.” It’s really pathetic, not even funny, just sad. Don’t you have anything better to do, like work on being a writer or take care of your kids? I’m done Nikki, you’re not even worth my time anymore.

      1. What is it Ted? Do I take 5 months to respond because I’m doing something, or do I need to go take care of my kids because I’m engaging with you? Which is it? If you’re done, why do you keep on commenting?? All I see is a pathetic little hipster whom can’t their his sad story straight and talks out of both sides on his sad mouth.

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